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MFDF - Mutual Fund Directors Forum - Register Now! Annual Directors' Institute - January 24-26, 2012

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Register Now! Annual Directors' Institute - January 24-26, 2012

The Forum's annual Directors' Institute uses a case study to provide independent directors with a key opportunity to learn from and discuss with both other independent directors and industry experts the most important issues they face in the boardroom today.  

Among the issues the 2012 Directors' Institute will address are:

  • the impact of market volatility on oversight of performance,
  • the director's role in understanding the relationship between risk and performance,
  • the benefits and drawbacks of complex-wide breakpoints,
  • the fine distinctions between closet indexing and true active management,
  • changes in the way portfolio trades are executed, and
  • the impact of cost cutting and limited resources on both performance and compliance.

At the Institute, directors work in small groups as boards to identify and analyze issues, gaining exposure to a wide range of new approaches to both familiar and emergent problems.  The faculty of management, fund lawyers, and consultants address the issues raised by directors and use their unique perspectives to help participants understand the viewpoint of other parties.  In addition, the case study method provides attendees with new ideas about both working together as an effective board and working with management to achieve better results for fund shareholders.

In today's increasingly complex marketplace, the Forum's annual Directors' Institute provides a unique opportunity for directors to hone their skills and learn from their peers in the director community.  We look forward to seeing you there!

For more information or to register please click here.